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Writing Opportunities


Writing Opportunities - competitions and prizes you can enter

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30 September 2024 The Bridport Prize Memoir Award 2024
The Bridport Prize Memoir Award open to unpublished work from any writer writing in English over 16. Entry fee: £24 per entry
Memoir Award 1st Prize £1,500 + a year's mentoring, Runnr-up £750 and Highly Commended 3 awards £150.
3 weeks 4 days ago
31 August 2024 Aesthetica Creative Writing Award 2024
Open to all. Entry fee Poetry entries £12 | Short Fiction entries £18
£2,500 awarded to both the Poetry and Short Fiction winners and publication in the Aesthetica Creative Writing Anthology, plus many other prizes.
1 week 4 days ago
31 July 2024 Winchester Poetry Prize 2024
Open to all poets aged 16 or over from across the world. Entry fee £6 for first poem, £5 for subsequent poems
First Prize: £1,000, 2nd Prize: £500, 3rd Prize: £250
5 weeks 2 days ago
24 July 2024 The Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award 2024
Poets from anywhere in the world aged 11-17 years No entry fee
Top 15 winners get publication in the Foyle Young Poets 2024 Anthology
14 weeks 4 days ago
8 July 2024 Ledbury Poetry Competition 2024
All poets writing in English are eligible, no matter where they live. Entry fee £6 per poem
First prize £1,000 cash and a week's poetry course at Arvon, Second Prize £500 and Third prize £250
7 weeks 3 days ago
30 June 2024 The Moth Short Story Prize 2024
Open to all writers over 16. Entry fee €15 per story
1st prize €3,000, 2nd prize week-long writing retreat at Circle of Misse in France plus travel stipend, 3rd prize €1,000
9 weeks 3 days ago
1 June 2024 The Times/Chicken House Children's Fiction Competition 2024
Open to unpublished, unagented children’s writers based anywhere in the world. Entry fee £20
First Prize: a publishing contract with Chicken House with an advance of £10,000, plus the offer of representation from literary agent Lydia Silver of Darley Anderson Children's Book Agency.
11 weeks 5 days ago
31 May 2024 The Bridport Prize 2024
Poetry, Short Story and Flash Fiction open to unpublished work from any writer writing in English over 16. Novel Award restricted to UK writers, and to British adn American writers living abroad. Entry fee: £12 per poem, £14 per story, £11 for flash fiction and £24 per novel
Poetry and Short Story 1st Prize £5,000, Flash Fiction 1st Prize £1,000. Novel Award a year's mentoring and critique
16 weeks 5 days ago
23 April 2024 Fern Academy Prize for essays
Open to unpublished and unagented writers from around the world. No entry fee
Prize of £3,000; publication with Tortoise Media; literary representation by RCW literary agent Laurence Laluyaux and other prizes
18 weeks 6 days ago
31 March 2024 The Rubery Prize 2024
Open to all writers internationally who have published their work through a small press or self-published their work Entry fee £45, varying internationally
First Prize is £2,000 plus £200 for four category winners. Every winner receives a glass plaque and all winners & shortlisted authors receive a write up
29 weeks 3 days ago
31 March 2024 The Caterpillar Poetry Prize 2024
Open to all poets across the world over the age of 16, as long as the work is original and previously unpublished. Entry fee €15 per poem
First Prize €1,000 and a week-long stay at The Circle of Misse in France, Second Prize €500 and Third Prize €250
25 weeks 4 days ago
18 March 2024 The BBC National Short Story Award 2024
British nationals and UK residents, aged 18 years or over. No entry fee
Winner £15,000 plus 4 shortlisted authors £600
23 weeks 5 days ago