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One Day - David Nicholls | Work

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Writers Bookstall

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Plotting the Novel Michael Legat Robert Hale Ltd £7.99
Writers on Writing Alison Gibbs Robert Hale Ltd £7.99
The Chambers Dictionary Catherine E Schwarz, Editors of Chambers, Chambers Editors of, Editors Of Chambers Chambers £35.00
Getting it Published: A Guide for Scholars and Anyone Else Serious About Serious Books (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing and Publishing) William Germano University of Chicago Press £22.00
The Romantic Ethic and the Spirit of Modern Consumerism Prof Colin Campbell WritersPrintShop £14.99
The Student's Guide to Preparing Dissertations and Theses Allison Brian, Race Phil (Higher Education Consultant University of Leeds) Routledge £20.99
Black's Writing Dictionary T.J. Hulme, T.F. Carmody, J.A. Hulme A & C Black (Childrens books) £4.50
Writing Poetry (Teach Yourself: writer's library) Matthew Sweeney, John Hartley Williams Teach Yourself Books £7.99
Dictionary of Printing and Publishing P. H. Collin Peter Collin Publishing Ltd £9.95
Writing Comedy (Writing Handbooks) John Byrne A & C Black Publishers Ltd £9.99
Writing for Pleasure and Profit Michael Legat Robert Hale Ltd £6.99
Writing For Television 3e: How to Write and Sell Successful TV Scripts William Smethurst How To Books £9.99
The Creative Writing Coursebook: Forty Authors Share Advice and Exercises for Fiction and Poetry Julia Bell, Andrew Motion Macmillan £14.99
Writing Sports Stories that Sell: How to make money from writing about your favourite pastime (Successful Writing) Jeremy Butler How To Books £9.99
The Right to Write: An Invitation and Initiation into the Writing Life Julia Cameron Sidgwick & Jackson £10.99
The Last Train Thomas Neradin WritersPrintShop £7.99
Central Heating: Installation, Maintenance and Repair Patrick Mitchell WritersPrintShop £7.99
Increase Your Word Power: How to find the right word when you need it, structured exercises to boost your word power, clear explanations for everyday vocabulary problems Angela Burt How To Books £9.99
Bestseller: Secrets of Successful Writing Celia Brayfield SAGE Publications Ltd £11.99
Write from Life: Turning Your Personal Experiences into Compelling Stories Meg Flies Writer's Digest Books £12.99

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